
Supporting Sacramental Celebrations 2024
May 8, 2024

First Holy Communion and Confirmation Families can you help support each other? As May quickly approaches, we are coming close to families celebrating the next step in their children’s faith...

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April 9, 2024

All stand for the Opening Song (click).  INTRODUCTORY RITE Sign of the Cross and Greeting. Penitential Rite will have a form of a reflection led by the celebrant. Lord, have...

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First Holy Communion Rite 2024
April 9, 2024

click for the opening song: 10.000 Reasons The Introductory Rites  Priest: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. All: Amen. Priest: The...

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Reconciliation service for Families presenting for the sacrament of Confirmation
January 29, 2024

We invite Families preparing to present for the sacrament of CONFIRMATION this year to participate in a RECONCILIATION service. The services will be held on designated Wednesdays (please see the...

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First Reconciliation Preparation
January 29, 2024

First Reconciliation is a significant part of the spiritual journey. Meaningful preparation for the sacrament at home may lay a healthy foundation for our children’s future handling of shortcoming and...

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January 29, 2024

The sacrament of First Holy RECONCILIATION will be celebrated in our Pastoral Area on Tuesdays and Thursdays throughout the season of Lent. All celebrations start at 5:30 pm in St. Anthony’s Church, Kilcoole. Please...

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The Parenting Children Course
The Parenting Children Course
December 15, 2023

As parents we want the best for our children, to provide them with the love and support that will help them grow into the people they will become. We want...

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First Holy Communion and Confirmation celebration 2024
November 29, 2023

Throughout May 2024, we’ll celebrate the sacrament of Confirmation on Saturdays, followed by the sacrament of First Holy Communion on Sundays. All sacramental services will be held in St. Anthony’s...

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SING A NEW SONG – a new series of faith-driven workshops
August 23, 2023

It's one of the best things I've done for myself this year! Fun and special. I feel grateful for the social/music/spiritual. It has filled my cup. Loved every second of...

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Baking Bread: The Prayer for Togetherness
January 21, 2023

Bread is mentioned about 500 times throughout the Old and New Testament. Baking and breaking bread may be a beautiful way for a Family to celebrate Sunday togetherness. Nourished at...

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Ruah Mass: Breath away from God
November 18, 2022

We all host God’s Ruah in our hearts: when we listen deeply enough, we hear God whispering his love into us. At Sunday Is Everything: Ruah Mass Initiative, we believe in pausing...

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Sunday Is Everything: Family Mass
Sunday Is Everything: Family Mass
November 8, 2022

Are you looking for help in introducing your children or grandchildren to the Catholic Mass? We know that Eucharist is the most precious gift the Church received from God as...

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