
Before Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit in the Garden of Eden, they were happy, confident, and secure. They knew God loved them. They walked with God, talked with God, and enjoyed being in His presence. But when they disobeyed, the condemnation came, the accusing voice that brought fear and intimidation. The first thing they did was run and hide. They had to get out of God’s presence. They believed the lie that they wouldn’t be gladly welcomed anymore. God came and said, “Adam, where are you?” It wasn’t so much about his location; it was about his frame of mind, about the shame and guilt.

Perhaps you have disobeyed what you know God says, you’re not where you want to be, and you don’t feel worthy or deserving of God’s goodness. Now, as with Adam, you’re hiding. God is saying, “Where are you? I long to be with you. I have forgiveness for your wrongs. I have washed away your sins. Come out of hiding, come out of unworthiness, come out of condemnation, and receive My glad welcome.”

Father, Thank You that You didn’t create me to hide my sins and weaknesses or hide from You.

Thank You that I can come to You and unload all the condemnation and fear and feelings of unworthiness.

I believe that You have washed away my sins and are pouring out Your goodness upon me. Thank you Lord. Amen

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