
There are many storms in our lives and in our world.

They can arise suddenly and disturb our peace and quiet. Sometimes the storms are more internal, when we fall prey to self-doubt and fear. Very often we have no control over the political and social developments of our society; we have little or no control over what other people are doing.

We desperately need the peace of Jesus as offered to the disciples here in the boat. We can however, with the help of Jesus, find some peace in it. It is the peace which only he can give and a peace which cannot be taken from us.


Lord, you are always present. Wake us from the sleep that can overtake us so that we can be alert and ready to turn to you for what we need at the time.

Like the disciples, may we come to trust you for what we need when we encounter the storms of life.

(Adapted from

Search Parishes of Greystones & Kilquade