
We may be feeling worn out, just trying to make it through our days, but God is about to breathe new life into our spirit, new passion into our dreams. It won’t happen by our might or power, but by the Spirit of the living God.*

He’s going to make things happen that we ourselves couldn’t make happen and bring things out that we hadn’t known were in us. He’s going to give us a greater anointing, greater talent, and greater opportunities. We’re going to see a new level of strength, a new level of stamina, a new level of endurance. What used to bother us is not going to bother us anymore. What used to be too much is going to become simple to overcome. Where we used to be intimidated and fearful, there’s going to be a boldness to step up to who we were created to be.

We have not seen our best days yet. We have not accomplished our biggest dreams. We have not run our best race. We’re still looking forward to explosive blessings that catapult us ahead.OUR PRAYERFather, thank You for the power of the Holy Spirit in my life that is so much greater than all of my might and power. Thank You that You are coming to equip and empower me in ways I don’t even know I need. I believe Your Spirit will lift me up to become all You created me to be.

“You have made known the way of life to me,
Your will fill me with gladness through your presence”

(From the First Reading of Third Sunday of Easter Acts 2:14, 22-23)

*Received with gratitude from Milla – a member of our Faith Community

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