The Sacramental Ministries include:
- Baptism Team
- Funeral Team
Scroll down to see further details on each ministry.
- RCIA Ministry (The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults)
- Sacramental Support Group

Baptism Team
The Baptism Team are involved with the organisation of Baptisms, and the Preparation Programme for parents in the Pastoral Area. The Baptism preparation programme aims to support parents in reflecting on the significant step they are taking in bringing their child to be baptised into the Christian Community.
Members of the team meet and welcome parents to the Welcoming Ceremony at Sunday Mass (where the child is introduced to the Christian community), and to the Baptism service.
Later a Blessing of the Senses for recently baptised children is organised by the team. The families are invited to this service and for a cuppa and chat afterwards.

Funeral Team
The Funeral Ministry Team provides support to the family and priest at a funeral service.
Members of the team have been specially trained and commissioned in this ministry.

The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults Ministry (RCIA)
The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) is the means of welcoming newcomers into the Catholic Church.
When a person or persons in the Pastoral Area comes to the church and expresses a wish to become a Catholic, (or have been baptised as Catholic but missed out on Eucharist and Confirmation) a companion group is formed. The companion group will accompany and share the candidates’ faith journey until they are baptised, and beyond.
The group is formed from people of faith who don’t necessarily have all the answers but who are willing to journey in faith with the candidate/s and are willing to learn and grow in faith themselves.

Sacramental Support Groups
A representative group of parents are involved in supporting other parents preparing for the Sacraments of First Communion, First Reconciliation, and Confirmation.
Parents who have been through the process the previous year are invited to be part of the Sacramental Group for the following year.