
Church Gate Collections

This weekend, 22nd and 23rd of March, the Greystones Conference of St. Vincent de Paul will have church gate collections at all Masses in St. Kilian’s, Blacklion and the Holy Rosary Church, Greystones.

These collections are a vital source of funding for the work we do at grass roots level in the local area supporting those most in distress due to economic or personal circumstances.

With ever increasing energy bills and inflation, the support of our community has never been more important.

On behalf of SVP and the people that we help, we extend much gratitude for your kindness in the past and in advance of your generosity.

Please consider donating at the Church gate collection or to donate directly online click here.

If you donate online, choose “East” as the region and then in the “Specific Location to Help” area enter the name of your parish – either Kilquade Parish or the Holy Rosary and St Kilian Parish Greystones.

Thank you in advance for your support and care.

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