
Our Confirmation candidates are keeping the Light of Faith burning brightly.

Candidates preparing for Confirmation and their parents/guardians celebrated the Service of Light in the last few weeks.

These ceremonies were quiet, peaceful and reflective evenings where parents/guardians and their children shared a special faith moment together.

At Baptism, parents and guardians and godparents, received the light from the Pascal Candle and carry this light for the baby. Godparents are a faith presence in the child’s life, supporting them as they grow in faith.

At the Service of Light, a Lighted Candle is passed onto the child as they too now have a role in their own faith with the support of parents and godparents. They share God’s light with others.

There were many beautiful candles used throughout the ceremony. One mother and father had the tradition of using their wedding candle. It was used at each of their children’s baptisms and now again at their Confirmation.

What a beautiful sharing of the light of faith from one to another within a family – a most precious gift shared.


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