
Genuine, nourishing relationships involve arguments, disappointments or even frustration. When we feel misunderstood or treat someone unfairly, it is essential to remember that we have the means to put things right.

Holding a grudge or letting wrongdoing linger wounds us and takes up valuable space in our minds and hearts. So, we are looking for opportunities to say sorry when we hurt someone and apologise for a mistake. We ask for forgiveness or a second chance. We leave the door open for someone seeking to reconcile with us.

To reconcile with God and ask for forgiveness frees us and makes space to fill our souls with positive, joyful experiences, even when our earthly relationships are still hurting or healing. 

This Sunday, Family Mass focuses on the Penitential Rite, which can help families prepare for the Reconciliation Service while journeying towards First Holy Communion and Confirmation. Join us on Sunday, 11th February at 10 a.m. in St. Anthony‘s Church, Kilcoole.



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