
Archbishop Dermot Farrell has appointed Father Bernardo Luis Miguel De Nardo as Curate in the Parish of Greystones and the Parish of Kilquade with effect from the 7th/8th September 2024.

Fr. Bernardo is from Argentina and has extensive international ministry experience. His profile is available below.

We welcome this good news and ask you to keep Fr. Bernardo in your prayers.

We look forward to his arrival and wish him every blessing in his future ministry with us.


Profile of Fr. Bernardo Luis Miguel De Nardo

I am Father Bernardo Luis Miguel De Nardo. I was born in Santa Fe, Argentina, in 1975, where I lived with my family until I was 29.

After finishing high school I studied law in university, and I obtained a degree in Law in 1998. While I was a student I joined the Legion of Mary in my parish. My mother has been a member of the Legion for 48 years, and she still goes to her meeting every week.

I worked as a lawyer for 5 years and in 2004 the International Council of the Legion of Mary, Concilium Legionis, based in Dublin accepted my offer to do missionary work for the Legion, and I was sent to Guatemala. I worked for 2 years in Central and South America. After that I was appointed Envoy of the Legion of Mary for 3 more years for Central Asia. The last part of my mission was in Caucasus, Georgia and Armenia. Living in Armenia I felt the Lord was calling me to be a priest.

After having completed 5 years as a missionary lay person for the Legion of Mary, the Bishop of Armenia sent me to study in Rome, where I completed the studies of philosophy and theology.

I was ordained in 2013 in Iran, where I was parish priest for two years, but I was not able to continue due to the difficult situation of that country. I spent two years in Brazil, Uruguay and Argentina and in 2017 I returned to Armenia, to be responsible for the Latin Parish and chaplain of the Sisters of Mother Teresa.

Due to my connection with the Legion of Mary and Ireland, I always had the desire to serve the Irish people. With the agreement of my Bishop I was accepted to come to Dublin Archdiocese and was assigned to the Parishes of Greystones and Kilquade.

I am really looking forward to starting my mission and to work together for the salvation of souls.

God bless you.

Fr. Bernardo De Nardo

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