Let Night Prayer each weekday evening and Taize prayer on Fridays guide you and give you sustenance on your Advent journey. Read More
Taize Prayer
On Friday 2nd December, 30-40 people gathered in St. Kilian’s Church, Blacklion for silence, scripture and song. It waa a wonderful hour of prayer.
We were so disappointed but in the interest of safety for all concerned, due to localised weather conditions in Kilquade, Taize in St Patrick’s Church Kilquade was cancelled on Friday 9th December.
However we now look forward to our final evening on Friday 16th December in St. Patrick’s Church, Church of Ireland, Greystones at 7.30pm. All are welcome. Let us gather as Christians and give time and thought to “God is with us”.

Taize Advent Prayer Evening St. Kilian’s Church, Blacklion
Night Prayer
Each weekday evening a group gather for night prayer at 8pm on zoom.
You are welcome to join us on Night Prayer online Monday to Thursday at 8pm. Details below.
Join Zoom Meeting: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/95236330106?pwd=RWJDMmdhWTBLTXR2RG5qZk9aN1FiZz09