
We hear from Eduardo, one of our RCIA candidates, as he answers a couple of questions that we asked him:

What does it mean to you to celebrate your Confirmation and First Holy Communion?

For me it represents a moment of spiritual growth and a celebration of my family.  I think having the sacraments as an adult is very special because it’s a conscious decision and the choice to renew and strengthen the gift that my parents and godparents gave me when I was baptized. I feel privileged to have the opportunity to receive the sacraments with my wife Roberta, as we can both learn and support each other during the journey.

Who inspires you in your faith?

My grandmother Dalva is my inspiration in the Catholic faith. Her devotion to St. Emmanuel and Our Lady of Fatima were reflected in her prayers and in the way she lived, showing her love with kindness, joy, and a tolerance for others. Her example reminds me daily to approach the world with compassion and to find strength and hope in my faith, just as she did.

I’m also deeply inspired by Pope Francis’ humility, compassion, dedication to the poor people, fostering empathy and understanding, representing to me a symbol of faith and hope.

Can you tell us about some of your interests and hobbies?

I love to spend time with my family, reading, playing with our dog, playing video-games and small electronic projects. Since I moved to Delgany I’ve been having a lot of fun and good moments discovering new foodie places in the north Wicklow area with my family.


“The Church has a hope filled future. The Spirit is at work.” Archbishop Dermot Farrell’s reassuring words on Sunday last to the Catechumens and Candidates preparing to receive the Sacraments of Initiation this Easter. A special event, the Rite of Election

Alan, Lila, Eduardo & Roberta and their sponsors heard Archbishop Dermot at the Rite of Election in the Pro-cathedral speak about “how faith can grow when we come together. The words of the Nicene Creed are true for us all since circa 400AD – It defines us as Christians. All our belief is held in the Creed and in our Baptismal promises which we renew at Easter.” Let us, with Alan, Lila, Eduardo & Roberta, be the people who do God’s work, until he comes again.




RCIA Candidates Celebrated Rite of Welcome

We had a beautiful moment of celebration at the Family Mass last Sunday, the 23rd of February, to formally welcome our four RCIA candidates into the community.

We captured the moment straight after the Mass, and in the photos below you can see, from left to right:

Nuala, sponsor for Eduardo and Roberta, with them next to her; Fr. Bernardo; Lila with Tony her husband and sponsor behind her; Anna, sponsor (and fiancée!) to Alan, on the right.

Let’s continue to pray for our four candidates who will complete their Sacraments of Initiation at Easter. (First Holy Communion and Confirmation for Eduardo, Roberta and Lila; Confirmation only for Alan). May God bless them on every step of this journey and may we support them through our love, thoughts and prayers.  Amen.


There will be Rite of Welcome at the 10am Family Mass in St. Anthony’s Church, Kilcoole, on Sunday the 23rd of February to formally welcome and bless our 4 adult RCIA candidates who will be completing their Sacraments of Initiation (First Holy Communion and/or Confirmation) this Easter. Please join us in praying for them and celebrating with them.

Let us continue to pray for the 4 adult members of our community who will complete their Sacraments of Initiation (First Holy Communion and/or Confirmation) this Easter – Alan, Lila, Eduardo & Roberta.

This is a special journey that we can all be a part of through our support and prayers.

The process by which these candidates are being prepared is known as the “Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults”, or “RCIA” for short.  It is a journey with different steps & stages, and it includes a number of “rites” or rituals, where the candidates are formally welcomed and recognised, first in the community through a “Rite of Welcome”, and then at a ceremony which takes place in the Pro-Cathedral with the Archbishop, in March, known as the “Rite of Election”.

The candidates are also taking part in weekly preparation as part of a small group led by one of our priests.

We look forward to the Easter ceremonies where our joy will be double as we witness to the celebration of the sacraments of First Holy Communion and/or Confirmation for these adults, who will then have completed their Sacraments of Initiation.

Many of us are not very familiar with the RCIA or even the term “Sacraments of Initiation”, seeing as we were for the most part babies and children when we were baptised, confirmed and received First Holy Communion. If you would like to find out more about the RCIA and this journey, which can benefit all of us as we continue to learn about our faith, please see HERE.


Our RCIA Candidates

Lila is one of our candidates who is preparing for the Sacraments of Confirmation and Holy Communion for the first time. Lila has been part of our local community for almost 19 years, and has decided now to fully embrace Catholicism.

We had a little chat with her:

What does it mean to you to celebrate your Confirmation and First Holy Communion?

For me it means to reinvite God into my family life and to give myself to Him.

Who inspires your faith?

My late father-in-law Billy Burke, and my mother-in-law Marie Burke. Their faith and devotion to God and to the Church has always been an example to be followed.

Can you tell us about some of your interests and hobbies?

I enjoy spending time with my family above everything, but I also enjoy travelling. I always need to have a trip abroad or a staycation to look forward to!

We thank Lila for sharing a little bit about herself with us, and assure her of our prayers for her as she prepares for First Holy Communion and Confirmation, to complete her Sacraments of Initiation in the Catholic Church.


Alan is one of our candidates who is preparing for the Sacrament of Confirmation. Let’s meet him!

We had a little chat with him recently and he shared a little bit about himself.

We asked him a couple of questions:

What does it mean to you to celebrate your Confirmation?

Confirmation means so much more than only going to Mass, as a practice. Catholicism is about mission and my decision in following Christ and his example. I want the Holy Spirit to reign over me so that I can inspire people and share the love of Jesus with everyone.

Who inspires you in your faith?

Blessed Carlo Acutis is a huge inspiration to me, and in fact, it is through him that I met my fiancée, Anna. That’s a story for another time! But what’s also amazing is that after we set the date for our wedding, we discovered that it is the same weekend that Carlo is going to be canonised in Rome! We both really feel he has been a spiritual guide all through our relationship and we would love to visit Assisi, maybe for our first anniversary, if not before!

Can you tell us about some of your interests and hobbies?

I enjoy working in programming and web design; I like board games,  good food and music. I like to use my talent as a musician to give praise and worship to God, and to spread His joy.

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