
Ministry Thanksgiving Evening

A wonderful gathering of prayer and celebration of those engaged in Ministry in the Greystones and Kilquade Pastoral Area took place on Tuesday evening (25th January 2025) in The Holy Rosary Church and in Kilian House Family Centre.

Over 230 people attended and each faith community within the Pastoral Area was represented.  There was great energy and enjoyment during the Mass and the Social Evening that followed.

We are so fortunate to have over 40 ministry groups in the Pastoral Area – where people give of their time and talent to support the faith community in so many different ways. Each one had a presence on Tuesday evening.

Fr. Des P. P. celebrated Mass with the other priests concelebrating. The Instruments of Peace Singing Group (led by Tony Norton) led the congregation in lifting their voices to the heavens)  in glory and thanksgiving. Each faith centre was represented by one person in ministry who took part in the Mass either through reading, bringing up the gifts, assisting with the slides, or lighting the Pascal Candle – all under the guidance of the Sacristan Roisin.

Following the Mass, most adjourned to Kilian House Family Centre for refreshments and a get together. It was wonderful to have this opportunity to connect with one another. The centre was decorated and laid out beautifully by the staff and all were on hand to ensure those in ministry had a lovely evening.

A special word of thanks to SuperValu who sponsored the food for the evening, to La Touche Wines who gave a generous discount on the delicious wine and to Angus Hancock owner of Packaging Components Limited who made a vision become reality through the supply of many carboard boxes. Thank you all.

There are many opportunities to being part of the faith community in the Greystones and Kilquade Pastoral Area – you are welcome to explore with us the many possibilities how of your could become involved in what ever small way is possible. We look forward to engaging with you.

“Just as a body, though one, has many parts, but all its many parts form one body, so it is with Christ.” 1 Corinthians 12

See photos of the evening in the gallery below.

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