
Our Mission

Céad míle fáilte to the parishes of Greystones and Kilquade, which make up our pastoral area.

As a faith community, we welcome all by praying for and caring for one another; knowing that through our individual ministry we perceive Christ’s presence among us. We are here to help you grow in your faith journey.

We are a faith community in which all can truly belong. Whether you are beginning to explore your faith or have been Catholic all of your life; whether you are thinking about getting involved in a  ministry or are already involved in ministry, you will find a home here.

You will be drawn more deeply into a life in Christ and find renewed enthusiasm for your faith through participating in liturgies and ministries.

I am privileged to serve, along with the Pastoral Area Teams, these great communities.

God Bless you all.

Fr. Desmond Hayden
Parish Priest