The Parish Life Ministries include:
- Care of Church Grounds
- Centering Prayer
- Communication Group
- Edel Quinn Prayer Group
- Eucharist Adoration
- Finance Committee
Scroll down to see further details on each ministry.
- Listen to Him Scripture Study
- Ministers of the Eucharist to the Sick & Homebound
- Mum’s Prayer Meeting
- Night Prayer on Zoom -Suspended
- Prayer Group
- Tea/Coffee Morning Group

Care of Church Grounds
Taking care of the environment around each of our Churches is managed by a number of people.
Keeping the grounds tidy and looking well maintained, ensures a welcoming and enjoyable space for all.
All “green fingers” welcome if you have an hour to spare – contact the Parish Office.

Centering Prayer Group
Centering Prayer is a method of silent prayer.
It helps us experience God within us and build a relationship with Him in a quiet guided prayer environment.
All welcome.

Communications Group
The Communications Group serves the parishes of Greystones and Kilquade. The members seek to find ways of spreading and exchanging information throughout the Pastoral Area.
The group manages a number of sources of information, for parishioners and newcomers to the area, including the website, notice boards and newsletter.
Keeping the communities within the Pastoral Area up to date in all religious / liturgical services and activities is our mission.
We are always looking to build our team – new members are welcome.

Edel Quinn Prayer Group - Suspended
The Edel Quinn Group meets to pray for the Cause for Beatification of Venerable Edel Quinn. They pray for people who are sick in the Parish.
The Group also prays for the needs of a different country in Africa each month.
Edel was a Legion of Mary Envoy to East Africa from 1936 until her death in 1944. Before going to Africa she spent eighteen months in Newcastle Hospital, being treated for tuberculosis.

Eucharistic Adoration
Eucharistic Adoration takes place at specific times in the Churches.
The Sacred Host is placed in a Monstrance and placed on the altar for silent adoration to Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. The exposition of The Blessed Sacrament may be for one hour or several hours.
For the extended time there is a group of people who have registered to spend one hour in silent adoration at a specific time each week.
You may also just ‘drop in’ to the church during exposition.
You are welcome to commit one hour a week.

Finance Committee
The Finance Committee is an advisory committee assisting the Parish Priest who has ultimate responsibility for the financial administration of the parishes.
The key advisory roles of the committee are the maintenance of proper books of account and implementation of effective financial controls.
This includes:
- The preparation of annual statements of receipts and payments.
- The preparation of annual budgets for the two parishes.
- Fund-raising policy.
- Maintenance of the properties of the parishes.

“Listen to Him” Scripture Studies
“Listen To Him”: preparing to hear the Word of God in the Sunday Mass Readings
Every week there is an opportunity to read and discuss the Mass readings for the coming Sunday from the comfort of your own home.
A group meets via Zoom on Tuesday evenings at 7.30pm
The group is facilitated by Alice Quinn and is open to all.
Phone the office for details on how to contact Alice.
Examining the Readings in advance and exploring their meaning, leads to a deeper understanding of who Jesus Christ is and how His Word is relevant in our daily lives.

Ministers of Communion to the Sick and Housebound
The Ministers to the Sick bring Holy Communion, by arrangement, to residents in local Nursing Homes and to people who are housebound.
Priests bring Holy Communion to the sick and housebound on the first Friday of the month, if requested.
Contact the Parish Office.

Mum’s Prayer Meeting
The Mum’s prayer group is organised by the Legion of Mary in the Holy Spirit Oratory on the 1st Saturday of the Month.
They meet for prayer and chat. Mum and baby welcome.

Night Prayer on Zoom - now from Waterford
In April 2020, early on in the Covid-19 Pandemic, a night prayer group was set up virtually on Zoom through the internet to support us gathering as community.
It is a way of connecting with the faith community from home. It includes Psalms, reading of scripture, quiet time and music. Individuals can request and share prayers during the service if they so wish.
We no longer do Night prayer from our Pastoral area. However, Night Prayer continues from seeds sown in Wicklow which are now sprouting in Waterford. You are welcome to join them each weeknight at 8pm.
Join Night Prayer with our friends in Waterford by using the Zoom Code: ID number.943 588 4859. All Welcome.

Prayer Group
The Prayer Group is a small group that meets regularly to give praise and thanks to God.
They pray, sing, share their experience of God in their lives, and read scripture.
All welcome to attend.

Tea/Coffee Morning Groups
Gathering for a cuppa and a chat! What more could you ask for!
On Fridays, after 10:00am mass in The Holy Rosary Church, a number of parishioners gather in Kilian House Family Centre.
Similarly, on the first Tuesday of the month after Mass in Kilquade Parish, The Arboretum in Kilquade is the venue for tea/coffee and chat.
All parishioners are welcome to these informal gatherings.