The Liturgical Ministries include:
- Altar Servers
- Church Care
- Counters & Collectors
- Flower Arrangements & Decorations
Scroll down to see further details on each ministry.
- Liturgy Group
- Live Stream Ministry
- Ministers of the Eucharist
- Ministers of the Word
- Music Ministry
- Welcome Ministry

Altar Servers
Altar servers have a special ministry in the Church. Being a server means serving God and his people at Mass. Altar Servers help the priest during the celebration of Mass and other services.
Girls and boys who have received their First Holy Communion are welcome to become altar servers.
Training is given and some parental involvement is required.
All Diocesan procedures for Child Safeguarding are followed.

Church Care
Our Churches, like all homes and buildings, need care and attention such as cleaning, polishing, dusting, and vacuuming.
There are teams of people who care for the Churches in the Pastoral Area. They work on a rota basis.
The work of these ministers help to ensure a clean and reverent environment for all who visit the Churches.
Giving one hour at any time to this ministry is welcomed and is hugely valuable to the church community.

Collectors and Counters
Monies for the financial running of the parishes and up-keep of the churches and buildings are very important.
At each Sunday Mass, baskets for the collection of money are distributed and then collected by a team of members from the congregation.
There are also teams of people who, each week, count the money which comes into the parishes through the Mass collections.

Flowers Arrangements and Decorations
The use of flowers in our churches reminds us of God’s creation. They provide wonderful flower arrangements to praise and honour God.
There are a number of people who look after decorating all Churches for all the seasons of the year.
Flowers and decorations are chosen and arranged to reflect the changing liturgical season and feast days.
Creative talents are always welcome to this ministry.

Liturgy Group
The Liturgy Group supports the priests with thematic suggestions and ideas for the liturgical seasons across the Pastoral Area.
The thematic suggestions manifest themselves through the liturgical seasons through the use of art, music, prayers, online and other initiatives.
The team members have a range of talents and skills and are always looking for new members.

Livestream Ministry
This is a group of technically minded people who support the streaming of Liturgies to bring a prayerful and engaging spiritual experience to those at home.
Members of this group support the liturgy by working the audio and video equipment.
People with a technical or artistic flare are welcome to come on board.
You are also encouraged to join us and learn a new skill.
Contact Elaine at who will gladly have a chat with you about this.

Ministers of the Eucharist
Ministers of the Eucharist distribute Holy Communion during Mass.
They are called to serve God and the faith community.
Ministers receive training and are then commissioned.
Please contact the Parish Priest, a member of the clergy or the Parish Secretary if you are considering this ministry.

Ministers of the Word
The Ministers of the Word proclaim the Word of God at the Liturgies for all to hear.
The Ministry of the Word is an important role in the church and an integral part of the celebration of Mass.
Ministers are trained and then commissioned.
Please contact the Parish Priest, a member of the clergy or the Parish Secretary if you are considering this ministry.

Music Ministry
‘When we sing, we pray twice.’
We celebrate many aspects of parish life through music.
Music in our liturgies enhance our worship of God.
The choir and congregations working together worship God through music.
There are a variety of music groups in our Pastoral Area. New members are always welcome.
For more information on the groups in our music ministry click below:

Welcome Ministry
Where present, the Welcome Ministry extend a warm and welcoming smile to everyone attending our liturgies.
The Ministry is divided into smaller teams and each team is assigned to one of the Sunday and weekday Masses in the Pastoral Area.
Can you give an hour a week? Volunteers are invited to join and support this initiative, by contacting one of the Ministers on duty or the Parish Office.