
  • Giving of Time and Talent

    As Baptised, we all have an active part to play in the life and activity of the church community.

    We are all called to the service of the faith community for the sake of its growth and life, utilising the grace and gifts which the Lord has given each one of us.

    Involvement and service in any aspect of Church is referred to as Ministry.

    Think about how you can engage in Ministry.

    You can make a difference - by giving you receive.

    There will be a warm welcome - whatever your calling.

    “Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it.” (1 Corinthians 12:27)

    Sharing your time and talent with your faith community, by becoming involved in Ministry, will be for the benefit of all.

    Let us know how we can support you in this decision by completing the details below:

  • Specific Requirements

    There are many opportunities across each of our churches. The full list of opportunities is below.

    Presently there is a specific need for volunteers in the following areas of ministry:

    Flower Arranging
    Writing the Prayer of the Faithful
    Writing the Welcome Message for the beginning of mass
    Supporting Slide Presentations at mass
    Supporting Funerals
    Cleaning and Care

    Can you give your time? If there are enough people, it may amount to a commitment of an hour or two a month...

  • Tell us a little about your current situation:
  • Let us know your specific calling or interest in one or more of the ministries that support our faith communities:
  • A little about you!

    Share with us how we can contact you.
  • Is there anything to add specifically that would be useful for us to know?
  • We are a very large Pastoral Area incorporating the Kilquade Parish and the parish of The Holy Rosary & St. Kilian in Greystones.

    People in Ministry are needed everywhere to support, nourish and grow this large faith community.

    You are invited to let us know where your preferred location is to support and serve the faith community:

  • Thank you

    Thank you for coming on the journey of Ministry. Both your and our experience will be enriched because of this step.