
A celebration of thanksgiving in song and spoken word took place on Thursday evening (31st May 2024) in The Holy Rosary Church, Greystones.

Many people from across the Pastoral Area attended to give thanks for the ministry and service of so many within our faith community.

Many serving ministers from across the Pastoral Area ministered in the Mass representing our 6 places of prayer and worship.

Fr. Des gave a homily in which he reminded us of how participation in ministry no matter how big or small, forms a strong spiritual community, with each part playing a huge part. He reminded us of St Theresa of Avila’s prayer:

Christ has no body now but yours,
no hands, no feet on earth but yours.
Yours are the eyes with which he looks
compassionately on this world.

“Singing is praying twice” and the singers attending the Faith Driven Singing Workshops led the congregation in fine voice.  The liturgy and prayers for the Mass were created by members of the Pastoral Area Liturgy Group.

Following the Mass, a short procession to Our Lady’s Statue took place with prayers led by Fr. Gerard Young and flowers were laid by members of the Legion of Mary.

Many people came into the centre for a well earned cup or tea or coffee with some cake to accompany their beverage. Members of the Pastoral Council and the Pastoral Area Communications Group were on hand to serve those in attendance.

Coming together in prayer and song was a wonderful expression of the vibrancy of our faith community. The gathering, was indeed, Spirit filled.

Thank you to all for your attendance and participation.

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