We invite Families preparing to present for the sacrament of CONFIRMATION this year to participate in a RECONCILIATION service.
The services will be held on designated Wednesdays (please see the table below).
All celebrations start at 6:00 pm in St. Anthony’s Church, Kilcoole.
Reconciliation is a significant part of the spiritual journey.
This year, we invite Families to focus on the symbol of light and fire as we entrust our shortcomings to God’s forgiveness.
On the day of the reconciliation service, we’ll read beautiful Gospel readings referring to the meaning of light.
We’ll lead you in a child-friendly examen and invite you to participate with your in a symbolic gesture of letting go.
There will be no individual confessions but a meaningful ceremony of renewal the relationship with God, oneself and others.
We will also use this opportunity to provide you with more information regarding the coming celebration of your child’s Confirmation sacrament, so please make sure to be there with your child.