Archbishop Dermot Farrell writes to us about the Summer Dues Offering.
Envelopes are now available.
The Summer Dues has become an important initiative in recent years, helping to return the Common Fund to a healthy position, supporting priests in parishes, and sick and retired priests throughout the Archdiocese.
The Summer Dues has played a central role in restoring this to the level it was pre-COVID.
Please convey our gratitude for their support and thank them for their contributions that sustain us daily.
One recent Gospel reading at Mass talks about sowing seed on the land.
Priests and other parish leaders and ministers are being asked to find
new and creative ways of sowing the word of God, seeking to build
up partnerships of parishes in the times that are upon us. Night and
day, while we are asleep, when we are awake, the seed is spouting and
growing; how we do not know (Mark 4:26-34).
The mustard tree emerges from the tiniest of seeds. We do not yet
know what will emerge for the Church locally, but ‘we are always full
of confidence’ (2 Corinthians 5:6). We are full of prayer too – it is the
Lord’s work, the work of the Holy Spirit who calls us to mission.
Please support your priests through the Summer Dues collection. The generosity that people show towards their priests is indispensable.
Please play your part, too, in a renewed and active involvement of all parishioners as together we sow seeds for a future harvest, trusting always in God’s plans for us.
Thank you for your support.
Envelopes can be found at the back of the churches and can be returned to the sacristy or office.
An online facility is also available through the buttons here.
We appreciate all your support.
If you in a position to support the ‘Summer Dues Offering’, the priests of the parish and the other priests in the Diocese would be very grateful.
The Parish can benefit from the tax relief scheme on contributions. Please contact the parish office about the tax relief benefit.
The generosity that people show towards their priests is very reassuring. Your contributions can go further without any additional cost to you thanks to the tax relief available on charitable donations. With your help the parish can claim a tax refund from Revenue to the value of up to 45% of your identifiable contributions amounting to €250 or more in any given year.
Please use the envelope provided, giving your details so that the parish can contact you, to help process the tax rebate from Revenue.
The parish can reclaim the tax no matter whether you are PAYE or Self-Assessed.
This tax rebate from Revenue is now an important source of income for the parish.