We were delighted to welcome so many Confirmation candidates and their parent(s)/guardians(s) to St. Anthony’s Church in Kilcoole on the 26th of January for the second session in the Family Preparation Programme for Confirmation.
The theme of the session was “Called by Name”. This session explored and guided you and your child in choosing a Confirmation Name and Confirmation Sponsor.
To help us with the reflection and discussion we used a short video. If you would like to watch the video again or did not have the opportunity to join with us that day please see the video below.
After watching the video take a few minutes to chat together about what came up for you.
Our next session is on Sunday the 30th of March at 11.15am in St. Anthony’s Church in Kilcoole. We look forward to seeing you there.
For more details and the dates for the Family Confirmation Preparation programme please click here