
We look forward to seeing you at the upcoming services of First Reconciliation for First Holy Communion Candidates. Please see the dates, time and location below.

To support you as parents/guardians please find useful resources here to use with your child in preparing for this Sacrament.

On the resource page you will find ways of preparing at home:

1. Help your child to understand the sacrament

2. Familiarise your child with the rite

3. Look at parts of the sacrament

We encourage you to take time together to prepare and to enhance what is being learned in class.

First Reconciliation Services for
First Holy Communion Candidates
Time Sacrament School Church
Tuesday 11th March 5.30pm Reconciliation Gaelscoil na Cloch Liath
St. Brigid’s National School
The Holy Rosary Church
Thursday 13th of March 5.30pm Reconciliation Greystones Community N.S.,
Greystones Educate Together N.S.,
Families from Church of Ireland schools
All other schools
St. Anthony’s Church
Tuesday 18th of March 5.30pm Reconciliation Kilcoole Primary School St. Anthony’s Church
Thursday 20th of March 5.30pm Reconciliation St. Laurence’s National School The Holy Rosary Church
Tuesday 25th of March 5.30pm Reconciliation St. Kevin’s National School St. Anthony’s Church
Thursday 27th of March 5.30pm Reconciliation Newtownmountkennedy Primary School St. Joseph’s Church


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