
Despite the weather last weekend,  people came and enjoyed our gathering to celebrate Mary, the woman, and the centre of our Advent Story.

We battened down the hatches, and came together on Saturday last, (7th Dec) in the quiet and atmospheric setting of St. Kilian’s Church, Blacklion, for a sharing of reflections and musical pieces about Mary.

We felt that the experience awakened in people the emotional journey Mary undertook.

Judging from the positive feedback, together we all created something special in the way we told Mary’s story. We emphasised her motherhood, her “yes” to God’s invitation and her trust in what was to follow.

“Mary, did you know?”, a phrase from one of the musical pieces, resonated with many, opening up a different perspective and awakening a curiosity in us about Mary, the woman, centre of our Advent story.

We thank all those who made this evening so special – your preparation for the gathering or your participation in it, created a special moment of encounter for all.

The next “Women of Faith Gathering” will be planned for about St. Brigid’s Day.

Happy Christmas.



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