
Below is the message as delivered to parishioners on the weekend of 11th and 12th June2022.
Click to access a copy of the Handout BH – Building Hope Framework issued to parishioners on the same weekend.

Building Hope Message…

Week 3 – How are we going to be Church?

Good morning/evening everyone!

My name is………………

As a member of the Pastoral Parish Council, I am here to speak to about how the Building Hope initiative will commence in the Pastoral Area this coming week.

Last week, we celebrated Pentecost, when the love of God has been poured into our hearts through by the Holy Spirit. Today we celebrate the Feast of the Holy Trinity.

Rublev’s famous icon of the Trinity shows God in the form of Three, eating and drinking, in infinite hospitality and utter enjoyment between themselves. The gaze between the Three shows the deep respect between them as they all share from a common bowl. Notice the Spirit’s hand points toward the open and fourth place at the table. Is the Holy Spirit inviting, offering, and clearing space? I think so!

And if so, for what, and for whom? You! Yes, you—and all of creation—are invited to sit at the divine table. You are called to consciously participate in the divine dance of loving and being loved.

The Building Hope initiative is inviting us to come to the table and actively engage with God’s work through his Church.

It is important to trust in God’s invitation and have courage to take our place at the table. As we heard in the second reading today “The love of God has been poured into our hearts by the Holy Spirit which has been given us.” (1 Romans 5:5) Come to the table…

We cannot be complacent in our attempt and desire to revitalise our church community. No more examples of the urgency of this initiative are needed than the growing shortage of priests in the diocese and the few numbers of young families with children attending Sunday Mass or involvement within the faith community.

As a Pastoral Area, that is two parishes working together, some renewal work has already begun. The Building Hope Initiative provides us with a framework for a conversation together on renewal. The Building Hope Task Force of the Archdiocese identified 4 dimensions valued by faith communities.  These are: Faith, Servant Leadership, Social Justice and Welcome.

These 4 dimensions provide the framework for dialogue and discussion at our meetings next week. In preparation for these meetings, you are asked to reflect on our strengths and our needs in the Pastoral Area.

There are flyers in the church to take home. More detailed information on Building Hope is available on the Pastoral Area and the Dublin Diocese websites.

The meetings will begin at 8pm on:

  • Tuesday 14th June in Kilian House Family Centre, Greystones
  • Wednesday 15th June in Kilcoole Community Centre
  • Thursday 16th June in Newtown Community Centre

We look forward to a large turnout.  Thank you.


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